Bye Bye Battery Cages


Right now, over 10 million Aussie hens are suffering in barren battery cages. It’s arguably the worst animal welfare issue in Australia.

The behaviour:

Australians were unaware and passive towards the livelihoods of Australian hens in barren battery cages.

The change:

We inspired over 20,000 Australians to take action by pledging to ban battery cages for good. In doing so, we successfully influenced Australia’s Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Poultry to outline a phase out date of 2036.

What behaviour do you want to change?

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Battery Cages

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We inspired over 20,000 Australians to take action by pledging to ban battery cages for good. In doing so, we successfully influenced Australia’s Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Poultry to outline a phase out date of 2036.