Be A Force For Good

Victoria Police

We encouraged a new wave of applicants who didn’t have a police career on their radar to enquire.

The behaviour:

With an ambitious target to meet for new recruits, Victoria Police advised that the ‘low hanging fruit’ of applicants had been exhausted.

The change:

We inspired a new pool of people to enquire about a career with Victoria Police by making them aware that the skills and values they apply in their civilian life are the sorts of skills required for Police.

What behaviour do you want to change?

Have a chat

More work that's inspired change.


Love food, hate waste, love a list

Client: Sustainability Victoria

We inspired households across Victoria to think about their weekly meals, and to reduce their food waste.

Make the most of yours

Client: AustralianSuper

We inspired Australians to trust and prefer AustralianSuper more than any other super fund. Most importantly, we inspired them to do small, good actions that lead to a better retirement.

Super For Everyone

Client: Nambawan Super

Previously a superannuation fund for just government workers, we made the PNG community see that Nambawan Super was ‘for everyone’ and helped Nambawan grow to be PNG’s #1 superannuation fund.

Illicit Firearms

Client: Crime Stoppers

In the first year of the campaign, we inspired the surrender of over 17,000 unwanted and unregistered firearms.